
October 2022


I’m injured, should i use ice now?

Picture this scenario – you have just rolled your ankle, tweaked a muscle or strained your back. What do you do next? Do you go for the frozen peas or ice pack and place it on your injury site? Read on to understand why this may be a bad idea. Where did icing injuries come from? Icing injuries has been

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Osteoporosis? Why you should start exercising, now!

Osteoporosis is characterised by the loss of calcium in your bones, this makes them more likely to fracture if you have a bad fall. As you get older, the need to exercise becomes very important. Read further to find out why you need to start exercising now. 1. Exercising increases your bone strength By performing the right exercises, your bones

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I have a frozen shoulder, what should i do now?

Frozen shoulder is condition whereby the joint stiffens for a long period of time and movement can be largely limited. Often the reason for this is unknown. Unfortunately, if you have this condition, you may experience symptoms for up to 12-36 months. Read below to hear more about management strategies. 1. Get an early assessment This is very important for

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5 ways to stop an injury this summer!

1. Increase your Exercise Intensity So you may be doing some exercise at home to prepare for your sports season but how intense is it? Are you adding sprints, jumps and changes of direction that your sport requires? You have a great opportunity before the season starts to really prepare your body for what is ahead. We recommend having a

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