
July 2022


Wrist pain? Forearm pain? You may have intersection syndrome

What is intersection syndrome? Intersection syndrome is a painful condition of the forearm and the wrist. It can affect individuals who perform repetitive wrist actions. Hence, some populations are more at risk than others including gardeners, rowers and tennis players. Which part of the forearm is causing my pain? The pain from this condition is usually felt on the top

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Do you have limb swelling? Lymphatic massage can help!

What is lymphatic massage? Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle form of massage used to relieve painful swelling in your arms and legs. Normally, your lymphatic system collects fluid (lymph) and returns it to your heart. When something disrupts this process, swelling can build in your limbs. This can cause pain, tightness and discomfort. What are the symptoms of lymphatic

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4 Back Pain Myths You Must Know

You have probably heard of phrases such as ‘my disc is out’, ‘i done my back in’ and ‘my back isn’t straight’ but are these phrases true? We think not. Read below to hear more about common back pain myths. 1. “My back is out of alignment” Truth be told your back probably isn’t out of alignment and even if

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