If you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA), you may have also been told to lose weight to help manage the disease. When you walk hundreds or even thousands of steps per day, carrying excess weight can add up.
What does the research say?
A recent study looked at roughly 10000 knees without OA and 6000 knees with OA over a period of 4-5 years. Over this time frame, each participant’s body mass index (BMI) was monitored. For every one unit lost (ie. 26% to 25% BMI) a 5% reduction the incidence and progression of knee OA was found. Furthermore, if you can move your BMI from obese to overweight (ie 30% to 25%) there is a 22% reduction in the odds and progression of OA.

What can exercise do?
Not only can weight loss help reduce the incidence and progression of OA, it can also help reduce the pain associated with it. Fat is increasingly recognized as the largest endocrine organ in the body, secreting inflammation cells. This can cause both inflammation around your site of OA or around the body. In addition to this, some of these cells can actually cause the cartilage to wear.
How much exercise should I be doing?
The Australian physical activity guidelines recommends adults should be active most days, preferably every day.
Each week, adults should do either:
- 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity – such as a brisk walk, golf, mowing the lawn or swimming
- 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous intensity physical activity – such as jogging, aerobics, fast cycling, soccer or netball
- an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous activities.
Include muscle-strengthening activities as part of your daily physical activity on at least 2 days each week. This can be:
- push-ups
- pull-ups
- squats or lunges
- lifting weights
- household tasks that involve lifting, carrying or digging.
Doing any physical activity is better than doing none. If you do no physical activity right now, start by doing some, then slowly build up to the recommended amount.

Want the quickest path to recovery?
If you are struggling with OA, we would love to help! Our team can certainly get you started on your rehabilitation journey. For bookings simply click the link https://forgewestend.com.au/book-online/
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