
Athlete Screening

What is an Athlete Screening?

At Forge we offer an initial athlete screening appointment. These appointments are conducted in clinic with a Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist and go for 60 minutes to allow for an in-depth assessment. We focus on a collaborative approach in our clinic so both our Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists work together to help you reach your goals.

Who is it for?

Our athlete screening is for anyone who wants to have a structured and systematic screening performed to help with any athletic pursuits you may be involved in or wanting to get started. Our team of Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists are trained in helping you identify goals or areas you would like to improve on. They will run through a comprehensive screening protocol including techniques such as core ultrasound, VALD dynamometry and special tests specific to your sport or performance.

How is this appointment different?

Our athlete screening is different from a standard appointment with a Physio or EP as we will run through a comprehensive screening protocol specific to your sport or athletic pursuit. Whilst our standard appointments will still gather a full history of you, our athlete screen will have a bigger focus on your sport or performance goals and what you would like to achieve. We can then use our screening to identify areas of weakness or imbalances which can lead to injury or reduce your performance capacity. This screening is then able to be performed at future intervals to show your performance improvements and strength gains.

Core scan: our ultrasound core screening is conducted in our private rooms and involves using our ultrasound scanner to provide a visual for your deep core muscles including Transverse abdominis, internal oblique and external oblique. We firstly measure the muscle width to assess if this is in normal ranges or if there is any muscle wastage due to injury or previous issues. This scan will also improve your awareness around how to active your core which we will grade and be able to reassess. It is vital to use your core muscles to their full capacity as these transfers into all movements and assist with performance, especially if you have had injuries in the past.


VALD is the world’s most advanced handheld dynamometer and inclinometer.

The handheld device measures 300+ strength and ROM test types and enables accessible musculoskeletal measurements for all individuals and sports.

The dynamo measures strength and range of motion. We focus on utilizing this device to see your maximal force production for different joints including but not limited to grip strength, glute, hamstring, quads, adductor strength in different planes of motion to provide an understanding on strength and imbalances side to side. These values will be recorded and then can be reviewed in your reassessment.

Regarding Physiotherapy – generally this assessment will not include any hands-on treatment rather just the assessment. So if you are looking for hands on therapy please book a standard 1:1 physiotherapy consultation.

Learn more about our Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist that lead our Athlete program:

Fully Registered with AHPRA & a member of the APA.

Ash graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences prior to pursuing her career in Physiotherapy, where she completed her Bachelor of Physiotherapy degree at Griffith University soon after.

While continuously advocating for active lifestyles, Ash understands the importance of high-quality injury management and rehabilitation towards achieving optimal participation in life. Hence, Ash’s passion lies within treating a wide range of acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as injury prevention and assisting with sporting populations.

Ashleigh is a keen Footballer herself and takes special interest in running athletes. Growing up on the Sunshine Coast, Ash’s involvement in swimming, surf-life saving and waterpolo sparked her love for sport and overall ambition to help people achieve their goals.


Our Athlete screenings with Ashleigh can be claimed under Physiotherapy  only. If you require Private health cover with an Exercise Physiologist, please book your screening with our Exercise Physiologist Dana.

Following your screening, here are some classes you are able to join:

Clinical 4:1 Classes

Our Clinical Classes are lead by Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists and are limited to 4 people per class. In this class you will work with your own individualised program based on the findings and assessments from your Initial Athlete screening. It allows you to complete all your classes with a Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist with a more individualised approach. Classes claimable on Private Health.

Performance 6:1 Classes

With over 45 classes a week, our Performance studio gives you access to all our Reformer and Studio Pilates classes, Stretch and Trigger, Strength and Conditioning classes run by our team of clinicians and Coaches. Read more about these classes here.

Athlete Specific Classes

Mondays 7pm: A 55min class with a specific focus on Pilates for athletes run by our Physiotherapists.

Wednesdays 7pm: a 55 min class with a specific focus of weightlifting and conditioning for athletes run by our Exercise Physiologists & Coaches.

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