
Women’s Health and Pregnancy

How our health professionals can help you

Seeing one of our Exercise Physiologists may be helpful when
1.    You want to work on pelvic floor and hip strengthening pre, during or post birth
2.    You want to manage your body before, during or after pregnancy
3.    You experience leakage or heaviness when you sneeze, cough, laugh or exercise
4.    You have endometriosis, adenomyosis or PCOS
5.    You have had a hysterectomy or mastectomy and want support
6.    You have had cancer, are going through cancer treatment or you are recovering from cancer
7.    You want to build your bone density
8.    You have hypermobility, POTS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
9.  You have a specific sport, event or goal in mind that you want to train for!
Seeing one of our Physiotherapists may be helpful when  
1.    You want to work on pelvic floor and hip strengthening pre, during or post birth
2.    You are aware of a prolapse and have been given advice to continue pelvic floor and core exercises.
3.    You are experiencing a sensation of heaviness and/or urgency
4.    You have had some complications or trauma from birth and you would like an assessment before beginning exercise
*Our Physiotherapists do NOT do internal assessments of the pelvic floor. If we find that you need further assistance we refer on to one of our local Women’s Health Specialists. 

1:1 appointments

In our 1:1 appointments, our women’s health therapists teach you how to best manage your condition. Whether you are pregnant, looking to get pregnant, or suffer from a women’s health condition, we can help!

Our 3 key appointments available:
  1. Exercise Physiology 60 min women’s health appointment
  2. Pregnancy 30 min Screening
  3. Post – Natal 30 min screening

Clinical Classes

If you prefer to exercise in groups but would still like an individualised program, you have the option of joining our Clinical Classes. These are kept small, maximum of four people and run by Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists. These classes are claimable on private health.

For more information click here https://forgewestend.com.au/clinical-classes/

Performance Classes (6:1)

If you are in your first trimester or recently had your baby, you are welcome to join performance classes which include our Beginner Reformer and Studio Pilates Classes. A 30 min Pilates Screen is highly recommended to make sure you are safe when doing exercises.

If you are in the 3rd Trimester we highly recommend doing our Clinical Classes 4 to 1 where you have an individualised program for you. Our therapists can help guide you into the right class for you.

Mums and Bub's Classes

Our Mums and Bubs class is the perfect form of exercise to help your body recover after pregnancy. This class is on our reformers and allows for you to bring your new bub along to the class. You must have an initial consultation prior to your first class.



What to Expect

Please bring any supporting documentation if you have any (Doctor letters, scans etc).

What to Wear

Please wear comfortable clothing that allow you to move freely and that will make it easier for our clinicians to assess the affected area.

Bookings and Payments

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